The Knights crash into the crossbowmen and cut out that threat The trebuchets are quite effective too, big ass rocks from the sky helps to break up the swordsmen advance The Pegasus Knights arrive with quite a bang, mortar troops are all over the place The aforementioned missile troops - the knights and the pegasus guys will be after these next This is my only major worry, one or two of these on top my lovely knights will make me sad - the pegasus knights will be straight in for these The man himself - very much like the table top game, this guys job is to get in the action, none of that sneaking around the back and pointing and shouting Knights of the realm - as long as your not a spearman this is coming for you
Standing between us and Marienburg itself is a small detachment of their troops - we can take the Bretonnian army out for a spin and see what happensįirst up, Pegasus Knights, flying troops that rush to the ground for melee and back up in the air again - perfect I imagine for dealing with back line artillery and undefended missile troops